On 12 June 2023, an Additional Meeting of the Draft Budget and Auditing Commission was held at the PABSEC International Secretariat in accordance with the Decision of the 61st PABSEC General Assembly, held in Ankara on 4-5 May 2023. The Meeting was attended by Mr. Daniel Constantin, Head of the PABSEC Romanian Delegation, Ms. Olga Timofeeva, member of the PABSEC Russian Delegation (participated online), Mr. Igor Becic, PABSEC Vice-President, Head of the PABSEC Serbian Delegation, and Mr. Petar Kanev, PABSEC Vice-President in charge of Financial Matters, Head of the PABSEC Bulgarian Delegation. The Draft Budget and Auditing Commission was assisted in the work by the Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, and the members of the PABSEC International Secretariat. The Members of the Commission exchanged views on the Draft Budget for 2024 Financial Yead and decided to submit the revised Draft Budget to the Standing Committee and Plenary Session during the 62nd General Assembly in November 2023.
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